RESQ Bibliography
- C.H. Sauer and E.A. MacNair, "Application of RESQ: Communication System Evaluation," IBM Research Report RC-6633, Yorktown Heights, New York, July 1977.
- C.H. Sauer and E.A. MacNair, "Computer/Communication System Modeling with Extended Queueing Networks," IBM Research Report RC-6654, Yorktown Heights, New York, August 1977.
- C.H. Sauer, M. Reiser and E.A. MacNair, "RESQ - A Package for Solution of Generalized Queueing Networks," Proceedings 1977 National Computer Conference.
- C.H. Sauer, "Queueing Network Models in the Design of Computer Communication Networks," International Conference on Communications, Toronto, June 1978. (Invited paper.)
- M. Reiser and C.H. Sauer, "Queueing Network Models: Methods of Solution and their Program Implementation," Current Trends in Programming Methodology, Volume III: Software Modeling and Its Impact on Performance, (K.M. Chandy and R.T. Yeh, editors), Prentice Hall, 1978.
- C.H. Sauer and E.A. MacNair, "Simultaneous Resource Possession in Queueing Models of Computers", IBM Research Report RC-6971, January 1978. Performance Evaluation Review 7, 1 and 2, Spring and Summer 1978.
- C.H. Sauer, "Passive Queue Models of Computer Networks," Computer Networking Symposium, Gaithersburg, Maryland, December 1978.
- E.A. MacNair and C.H. Sauer, "Multiple Language (APL and PL/I) Interfaces for Queueing Network Software," IBM Research Report RC-7535, March 1979.
- C.H. Sauer and E.A. MacNair, "Queueing Network Software for Systems Modeling," Software-Practice and Experience 9, 5, May 1979.
- C.H. Sauer, E.A. MacNair and J.F. Kurose, "The Research Queueing Package Version 2: Introduction and Examples," IBM Research Report RA-138, Yorktown Heights, New York (April 1982).
- C.H. Sauer, E.A. MacNair and J.F. Kurose, "The Research Queueing Package Version 2: CMS Users Guide," IBM Research Report RA-139, Yorktown Heights, New York (April 1982).
- C.H. Sauer, E.A. MacNair and J.F. Kurose, "The Research Queueing Package Version 2: TSO Users Guide," IBM Research Report RA-140, Yorktown Heights, New York (April 1982).
- C.H. Sauer, E.A. MacNair and J.F. Kurose, "The Research Queueing Package: Past, Present and Future," Proceedings 1982 National Computer Conference. Reprinted in K.S. Trivedi, editor, Effectiveness of Fault-Tolerant Multiple Processor Systems, IEEE Computer Society, 1984.
- C.H. Sauer and E.A. MacNair, "The Research Queueing Package: Availability Notice," IBM Research Report RA-144 (August 1982).
- C.H. Sauer, E.A. MacNair and J.F. Kurose, "Queueing Network Simulations of Computer Communication", IBM Research Report RC-9727 (December 1982). IEEE Transactions on Communications COM-32, 1 (January 1984).
- A. Blum, E.A. MacNair and C.H. Sauer, "The Research Queueing Package: Graphics Developments," IBM Research Report RC-9513 (August 1982). Proceedings GI/NTG 83: Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computer Systems, University of Stuttgart (February 1983).
- A.M. Blum, E. Jaffe, E.A. MacNair, J.F. Kurose and C.H. Sauer, "The Research Queueing Package: An Introduction and Update," IBM Research Report RC-10016 (June 1983).
- E.A. MacNair and C.H. Sauer, "The Research Queueing Package: A Primer," IBM Research Report RC-9784 (1983). SHARE 60 Proceedings.
- C. H. Sauer and E.A. MacNair, "Extended Queueing Network Models, "Chapter 8 of S. S. Lavenberg, editor, Computer Performance Modeling Handbook, Academic Press, Inc., New York (1983).
- C.H. Sauer and E.A. MacNair, Simulation of Computer Communication Systems, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey (1983).
- C.H. Sauer and E.A. MacNair, "The Evolution of the Research Queueing Package", IBM Research Report RC-10376 (February 1984). Proceedings of the International Conference on Modelling Techniques and Tools for Performance Analysis, North-Holland, Paris, May 1984. (Invited Paper)
- E.A. MacNair and C.H. Sauer, "The Research Queueing Package: Parametric Solutions and Graphics," IBM Research Report RC-10585 (June 1984).
- W.-M. Chow, E.A. MacNair and C.H. Sauer, "Analysis of Manufacturing Systems by the Research Queueing Package," IBM Research Report RC-10769 (October 1984). IBM J. of Research and Development 29, 4 (July 1985).
- E.A. MacNair and C.H. Sauer, Elements of Practical Performance Modeling, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey (1985).
- J.F. Kurose, K.J. Gordon, R.F. Gordon, E.A. MacNair, and P.D. Welch. 1986. "A graphics oriented modeler's workstation environment for the RESearch Queueing Package (RESQ)", 1986 Proceedings Fall Joint Computer Conference, 719-728. Dallas, Texas.
- R.F. Gordon, E.A. MacNair, P.D. Welch, K.J. Gordon, and J.F. Kurose. 1986. "Examples of using the RESearch Queueing Package Modeling Environment (RESQME)", In: Proceedings of the 1986 Winter Simulation Conference, ed. J.R. Wilson, J.O. Henriksen, and S.D. Roberts, 504-510. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Washington, District of Columbia.
- R.F. Gordon, E.A. MacNair, K.J. Gordon, J.F. Kurose A Visual Programming Approach to Manufacturing Modeling", Proceedings of the 1987 Winter Simulation Conference A. Thesen, H . Grant, W. David Kelton (eds.)
- R.F. Gordon, E.A. MacNair, KJ . Gordon and J.F. Kurose. 1988. "Higher Level Modeling in RESQME", In Proceedings of the European Simulation Multiconference 1988, 52-57. Nice, France.
- A. Aggarwal, K.J. Gordon, J.F. Kurose, R.F. Gordon and E.A. MacNair. 1989. Animating simulations in RESQME. In Proceedings of the 1989 Winter Simulation Conference, ed. E.A. MacNair, K.J. Musselman and P. Heidelberger, 612-620. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Washington, District of Columbia.
- R.F. Gordon, P.G. Loewner and E.A. MacNair, "The Research Queueing Package Version 3: Language Reference Manual", IBM Research Report RA-210, Yorktown Heights, New York. 1991
- K.J. Gordon, J.F. Kurose, R.F. Gordon and E.A. MacNair. 1991. "An extensible visual environment for construction and analysis of hierarchically structured models of resource contention systems", Management Science 37:714-732.
- K. C. Chang, R.F. Gordon, P.G. Loewner, E.A. MacNair "The Research Queueing Package Modeling Environment", Proceedings of the 1993 Winter Simulation Conference G.W. Evans, M. Mollaghasemi, E.C. Russell, W.E. Biles (eds.)