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(last updated 2005/2/4)
I do not expect to directly pursue this work further. See Replacing/Preserving NT4 Server for rationale. CHS
Samba 3 PDCs
pixel My experience with Samba 2 was mixed. Samba 2 seemed to fit in with Microsoft's "workgroup" model but had pretty serious limitations in the "domain" model. Also, in some scenarios Samba 2 had a dramatic performance disadvantage relative to Microsoft NT4 and Windows 2000. The main scenarios I noticed were with directory hierarchies with many small files. For example, archiving a Visual Source Safe "database", approximately l00MB total, would take tens of minutes to archive when stored on a Windows server and several hours to archive when stored on a Samba 2 server.
pixel Samba 3 comes much closer to adequately addressing the domain model. Once configured properly, a Samba 3 server seems to be a fully capable PDC, with one glaring exception: no provision for BDCs. Samba 3 does not implement BDC capability. A Samba 3 PDC will not interface properly with an NT4 BDC. (I've seen claims that Samba 3 performance is superior to that of Microsoft products, but have not explored performance.)
pixel So what is the Samba strategy for handling PDC outage? It seems to be to have multiple instances of Samba PDCs, synchronized with LDAP. I have only begun to try to make this work. I'm skeptical for a variety of reasons, but trying to restrain my skepticism until I've given this strategy a fair and full evaluation.

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