dnl about.m4 $Id: about.m4,v 1.44 2021/05/08 16:50:36 sauer Exp sauer $ define(m4_css,) define(m4_section, `about') define(m4_page_name, `about') define(m4_crumb0, m4_page_name) define(m4_page_title, `About Technologists.com') include(`primitives.m4') include(`appearance.m4') m4_page(
Technologists is basically a one-person shop, me, with a few friends that are loosely affiliated with Technologists. Having said that, the "few friends" are extraordinarily talented people, one is an ex-CTO, another an ex Tandem and Compaq Fellow. Mostly we're software people, but have plenty of hardware experience and understanding. Also, we have unusually broad and eclectic networking skill sets, e.g., deep understanding of circuit, packet, and wireless networks. We have been referred to by others as "great programmers". Remember PL/I? I was once referred to as "the best PL/I programmer in IBM". Mostly, we work out of our homes and have extensive multi-platform (Windows, macOS, Linux, ...) home computing environments.
Consider Technologists as a source for
"About" our color scheme. The gray background is a conscious throwback to the Mosaic days of the Web when browser background was gray by default. The burnt orange is the school color of The University of Texas at Austin.
The die photo on all the pages is taken from the orignal Intel "P6", which was first marketed as the Pentium Pro and was the basis for the Pentium II. The P6 was especially important in processor history because it was the first Intel architecture processor with leadership performance. This relegated contemporary "RISC" architectures to niche roles, and in several cases, ultimate abandonment by their corporate developers. (The P6 fixed point performance was better than most of the contemporary RISC processors. P6 floating point performance was not as competitive.)