LINEBUF=65536 PMDIR=$HOME/Procmail PMHOME=/home/procmail/Procmail LOGFILE=$PMDIR/log VERBOSE=no MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail # Make sure this directory exists! :0 fhbw: | /etc/smrsh/renattach -g -s INCLUDERC=$PMDIR/rc.fromaddressbook #INCLUDERC=$PMDIR/rc.customexempt #INCLUDERC=$PMHOME/rc.exempt # Note that nightly backups can forward you a list of mail sent to /dev/null, # if you wish #INCLUDERC=$PMHOME/rc.spamc #VERBOSE=yes INCLUDERC=$PMHOME/rc.devnull INCLUDERC=$PMHOME/rc.suspect4pop # If you trust all of the above enough, everything else is suspect: #:0: #Suspect # Messages that fall through all your procmail recipes are delivered # to your default INBOX